Monday, 9 November 2015

Beware: Malware without Recovery

As a result of a Coding mistakes by the creator of malicious program (Power Worm) that encrypts data means anyone hit by it will not be able to recover files.
This so usual because ransomware decrypt files when victims have paid a substantial fee but this variant of Power Worm destroys keys that could help recover any data that it scrambled.
Power Worm infects Microsoft Word and Excel files but its latest update goes after many more types of data files it finds on a victim's machine.
Security researcher believes the errors arose when the creator tried to simplify the decryption process. They tried to make it use just one decryption key but mangled the process of generating it. As a result, there is no key created for the files it encrypts when it compromises a computer.
So what that means is if you have been affected by this ransomware, your only option is to restore from a back-up.

So have you back-up your data today?

Source: BBC

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