Wednesday 20 June 2012

Antivirus for Mobile users

Do you really need antivirus on your mobile? My answer is always no and will always be no. But this is true, only if you follow this guidelines;
"If you did not go looking for it, don’t install it!”  If you intend to install it, make sure you have researched about its authenticity. Security software should never be viewed as a substitute for common sense and simple precaution. Anti-malware software is and always has been reactive, meaning it usually only detects a threat after some subset of customers have already been successfully compromised by it. 
If you installed it, update it.Yes, keeping the operating system current with the latest patches is important, but maintaining a secure computer also requires care and feeding for the applications that run on top of the operating system. Bad guys are constantly attacking flaws in widely-installed software products, such as Java, Adobe PDF Reader, Flash and QuickTime.
If you no longer need it, remove it.” Clutter is the nemesis of a speedy computer. Unfortunately, many computer makers ship machines with gobs of bloatware that most customers never use even once. On top of the direct-from-manufacturer junk software, the average user tends to install dozens of programs and add-ons over the course of months and years. In the aggregate, these items can take their toll on the performance of your computer. Many programs add themselves to the list of items that start up whenever the computer is rebooted, which can make restarting the computer a bit like watching paint dry. 

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